Monday, December 17, 2012

I believe in the second amendment! (Not really)

Here's a quick post on Facebook and my response.

Original Post:
I strongly believe I the 2nd amendment! Strongly! But do we really need assault rifles. A shotgun handgun ok. The name alone speaks for itself ASSAULT!

My Response:
They gave us the 2nd amendment so that we could overthrow those in power when they became too corrupt and tyrannical for our liking, and also to form the basis of the national defense they envisioned. "A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, ..."These so called "assault rifles" seem like some of the best tools for that purpose. (By the way, assault rifles have select fire, the capability to fire on fully automatic. The only difference between a "regular" rifle and the so called "assault" rifles is cosmetics. The function is exactly the same.)

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